
@protocol HYPMessageObserver <NSObject>

@abstract Message observers.

@discussion Message observers listen to message events, such as messages being received, sent, delivered, or failing. The concepts of sending and delivering are important to distinguish. A message being sent indicates that it was written to the output streams, but not necessarily delivered to it’s destination. This only means that the content is circulating on the network, and as such might not have left the device yet. A message being delivered, on the other hand, indicates that its destination has acknowledge reception and the content is already available on the end device. Messages being written to the output streams are indicated by the -hype:didSendMessage:toInstance:progress:complete: event. A message being delivered is indicated by -hype:didDeliverMessage:toInstance:progress:complete:. Hype does not indicate partial reception yet (that is, a didReceive method with progress tracking), so the end device is only notified when the message is fully received. Other events include messages being received (-hype:didReceiveMessage:fromInstance:) or failed sending (-hype:didFailSendingMessage:toInstance:error:).

  • @abstract Notification issued when a message is receiv1ed.

    @discussion This notification is issued when a message arrives from a foreign source. The framework passes the data as it is received and makes no attempt of processing it (other than encrypting and decrypting it, when applicable). The instance parameter indicates the originating instance.



    - (void)hype:(HYP *)hype
        didReceiveMessage:(HYPMessage *)message
             fromInstance:(HYPInstance *)fromInstance;


    func hype(_ hype: HYP!, didReceive message: HYPMessage!, from fromInstance: HYPInstance!)



    The HYP singleton instance.


    A container for the data and metadata for the message received.


    The instance from which the data originated.

  • @abstract Indicates that a message could not be sent.

    @discussion This notification is issued when a message is known to have failed being sent to the network. This means that the message never entirely left the device, and as such it will not be received by the destination. Common causes for this include the destination instance being lost while the content is being sent, causing the output streams to close. Hype does not implement failed delivery notifications yet, meaning that even if this notification is not issued the message may still not reach its destination. The messageInfo (HYPMessageInfo) parameter holds some metadata about the original message. Currently, it only holds the message’s identifier, but more data can be used in the future. If the original message was kept, the identifiers can be compared in order to map the event with message’s content. This is motivated by the fact that Hype does not keep the message’s data in order to save memory.



    - (void)hype:(HYP *)hype
        didFailSendingMessage:(HYPMessageInfo *)messageInfo
                   toInstance:(HYPInstance *)toInstance
                        error:(NSError *)error;


    func hype(_ hype: HYP!, didFailSendingMessage messageInfo: HYPMessageInfo!, to toInstance: HYPInstance!, error: Error!)



    The HYP singleton instance.


    A container for the data and metadata for the message being sent.


    The instance to which the message was intented.


    An error indicating the cause of failure.

  • @abstract Notification issued when a message has progressed in being sent.

    @discussion This notification indicates that the message with the identifier given by the messageInfo parameter has progressed in being sent to the network. This does not mean that it has been delivered, but rather that it was written to the streams. As such, the content could still be buffered waiting for output, meaning that it might not have left the device yet. The delegate method -hype:didDeliverMessage:progress:complete:, on the other hand, indicates delivery to the receiving end. That method is preferred if the intent is to track delivery, especially when messages are being sent over a mesh network and not direct link. At this point, it’s not known whether the content has been or will be delivered. The progress indicator yields a number between 0 and 1, indicating the percentage of the message that has been written to the streams. The complete boolean argument indicates whether the message was fully written, in order to avoid floating-point arithmetic. When looking for completion, use this flag instead of using comparison over the progress float. The progress float is intended for implementing loading bars and the likes of it. The messageInfo instance maps to a message identifier of an HYPMessage instance that was returned by the -sendData:toInstance:trackProgress: method. In order to keep track of which messages are sent, store this identifier in a data structure and wait for notifications with the same identifier. This step is, however, optional.



    - (void)hype:(HYP *)hype
        didSendMessage:(HYPMessageInfo *)messageInfo
            toInstance:(HYPInstance *)toInstance


    optional func hype(_ hype: HYP!, didSendMessage messageInfo: HYPMessageInfo!, to toInstance: HYPInstance!, progress: Float, complete: Bool)



    The HYP singleton instance.


    Metadata about the message being sent.


    The destination instance.


    Percentage of content of the original message that was written.


    Whether the message was fully written to the output streams.

  • @abstract Notification issued when a message as progressed in being delivered.

    @discussion This notification indicates that the message with the identifier given by the messageInfo parameter has progressed in reaching its destination. The amount of data that has been delivered is indicated by the progress argument. This argument holds a value between 0 and 1, indicating the percentage of the data that the destination has acknowledge back to the origin. This notification is only triggered if the trackProgress of the -sendData:toInstance:trackProgress: is set to YES. As acknowledgements incur extra overhead on the network, this option must be explicitly set. A value of 1 could indicate completion, but the preferred method is to check the complete flag, thus avoid floating-point arithmetic. Notice that the destination only gets a notification when the message is fully received (-hype:didReceiveMessage:fromInstance:). This will change in future release, and progress bars will be possible on both the originating and receiving devices.



    - (void)hype:(HYP *)hype
        didDeliverMessage:(HYPMessageInfo *)messageInfo
               toInstance:(HYPInstance *)toInstance


    optional func hype(_ hype: HYP!, didDeliverMessage messageInfo: HYPMessageInfo!, to toInstance: HYPInstance!, progress: Float, complete: Bool)



    The HYP singleton instance.


    Metadata about the message being delivered.


    The destination instance.


    Percentage of content of the original message that was delivered.


    Whether the message was fully delivered to the destination.